Facilitator in
personal growth paths
In a sea of trouble
"The day has already started badly this morning!"
"Don't tell me anything, all kinds of things are happening!"
"Problems when they happen all pile up at once!"
"It never ends, they all happen to me!"
"Do you want to put with what I went through?!?"
"I've lost everything, even the joy of living by now!"
" I can not stand it anymore!"
"I'm in a lot of trouble, one isn't good!"
In this sea of troubles that is different but at the same time so similar for people, there is suffering and past; there are losses and gaps that cannot be filled, there are anger, resentment, arrogance, presumption, there are also persistent accusations against those who apparently or not may have caused all the pain ..
The very thought of repentance eats you inside: if you had acted otherwise? if I said or did something instead of ..?
Complaint and accusation correspond to redundant negative thoughts that constantly wish that everything is different from what it is, and daily repetition not only corrodes but leaves no room for reality.
Regreting and complaining leaves life in suspense without giving us the opportunity, despite everything, to look at what must be seen with love; behind the disaster, behind the impulse to fight a continuous struggle against someone or against destiny, there is the exhaustion and the tiredness in not succeeding and in not being able to change things as they are.
Through the complaint we reveal ourselves as victims (for the identification in what we have lived and experienced) and at the same time we are one with the role of executioner, both elements that belong to each other in a perpetuation of conflicts and separations.
The constant aspect is rejection.
The refusal of those who remained beside us, the refusal to look ahead, the refusal towards what surrounds us, towards others, towards Life and in doing so we weaken, we dry up.
We honor the Earth that welcomes and supports us, we honor with acceptance and benevolence the reality that hides, not so far away, new and precious fruits.
These are waiting to be grasped and reality with its wounds is able to transform itself thanks to a new vital force: "the strength to act on reality does not come from us, but from the very reality that we have accepted"
(Bert Hellinger).
"Difficulties and impediments make man fall back on himself. But while the ungodly seeks the fault outside, in other men and accuses destiny, the Noble seeks errors in himself and with this introspection the external impediment becomes for him a stimulus to enrich himself and to form himself internally "(I Ching).